版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本
MYANMARBUSTICKETSBOOKING.COM is operating under management of AUNG NAING CHAN THA COMPANY LIMITED (Reg.NO 127) in Myanmar.
MYANMARBUSTICKETSBOOKING.COM and MYANMAR BUESSES APP does not operate bus services of its own. However, we are tied up with bus operators to provide convenient ways to buy bus tickets for all customers. Our priority is that all our customers will have a comprehensive choice of bus operators, departure times and prices.
You may No need to login to buy bus tickets or checking your trip details
You can safely make your payment with any MPU cards
You can easily to access MYANMARBUSTICKETSBOOKING.COM and MYANMAR BUESSES APP from anywhere or anytime
You may give your trip feedback or suggestions easily
You may have our supports from website, Apps, emails and through phone.
You can buy insurance for your trip when you are buying your bus ticket
All the rules and regulations would be different from each bus company. Therefore, you may need to follow all the regulation or policy which set by our company or bus companies to buy bus tickets.
Please read our terms and conditions first before you buy bus tickets or insurance from our website or apps.
“We wish you to have a pleasant day and have a safe trip”